Selasa, November 20, 2007

cad monkey adalah...


Beberapa bulan lalu di status yahoo mesenger seorang teman yang bekerja pada sebuah biro arsitek di Sanur Bali, tertulis cad monkey lengkap dengan avatar monyet yang sibuk di depan komputer.

Beberapa hari lalu saat membaca vitamin otak, coroflot creative seed blog salah satu kontributornya Carl Alvianni seorang industrial designer menuliskan pekerjaannya sebagai cad monkey. Hari ini saat membaca profil Cameron Sinclair aktifis Architecture for humanity di buku Design Like You Give a Damn tertulis...
I had move from London to New York and was working at a small design firm as an associate desgner, the fancy title fit a computer-aided designer, better known inside the profession as a CAD monkey. Wah lagi lagi cad monkey

Sekarang kita lihat yuk definisi Cad Monkey versi urban dictionary.

by toby vongkoth Dec 7, 2004
whoring draftsman using computer aided design(drafting)
Look at that cad monkey make magic with a mouse!
Hihihi, kalo definisi pake ini I'm a cad monkey

by kego talbot Mar 19, 2005
1. one who assists a computer aided drafter/deisgner in carrying out mundane and repetative cad related duties such as printing, printer maintenance, and simple text edits.
2. A low level cad person who makes edits with no regard for or knowledge of proper production methods or standards. syn.- cad hack
3. An actual monkey or ape trained to perform simple cad edits and tasks.
any combination of definitions 1, 2 or 3.
We'll need to hire a few more cad monkeys if we expect to meet the deadline.
These drawings are so f****d up! If I find the cad monkey responsible, why I'll....
Waduh, kayaknya aku ngga gini gini amat deh

by C dot T dot Jul 21, 2006
An employee who does nothing but CAD drafting - all day, every day - for a architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, etc. firm.
I studied for 7 years at Harvard and now I'm a cad monkey for Frank Gehry.
Whuaa, Definitly I'm a cad monkey

Apakah anda juga seorang cad monkey? atau CEO? Cad eh Operator. Kalaupun iya rasanya tidak perlu malu menjadi cad monkey.

4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

huhu knapa harus monkeyyy??? kalo judulnya cad angel mau deh hahahaha..

priyatnadp mengatakan...

bukan cad angel kali lei, tapi malaicad

prabhamwulung mengatakan...

malaiCAD.. wow.. you find another genius word...

priyatnadp mengatakan...

nanti kita buat kaosnya bham, ato musti cepet cepet dipatenin sebelum nanti dipatenin sama malaycad